Porn May Be Good for Society

Every study on the relationship between porn and sex crimes concludes that when the availability of pornography increases, the rate of sex crimes either stays static or decreases.
For example, in the United States, there has been a consistent decline in forcible rape over the last two decades. At the same time, porn has flooded the marketplace. Research from Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Japan, China, Poland, Finland and the Czech Republic shows a similar correlation.
It is true that just about all sex offenders in societies with liberal pornography laws have previously viewed porn. But so has just about all of the non-criminal males in those societies.
In fact, when comparing rapists to non-rapists in U.S. prisons, the big difference in terms of pornography viewership is that the rapists are more likely than the rest of the general prison population to have been punished for looking at porn as a youngster.
So, yes, your favorite porn starlet really is a hero.
eu sabia que havia uma razão lógica!! :D